Balance between the Carbon Cycle, Ecological Cost and Local Communities leads to a global Climate that’s in perpetual Balance. We seek to facilitate this Balance. We create tools for, and consult industry, institutions - and consumers through them. What results are climate change and ecological footprint mitigation roadmaps in the pursuit of limiting global temperature rise to 2 degrees centigrade relative to pre-industrial levels by year 2100.
To avoid dramatic climate change, the world must avoid emitting 733 billion tonnes of CO2e between year 2005 and 2055. India’s proposal to the 15th Session of the Conference of Parties (COP-15) at UNFCCC was 20% Reduction in GDP Intensity over 2005 levels by 2020. That’s 64 Million Tonnes CO2e to be avoided per year. Its possible only if we target 20% greater carbon-efficiency beginning today – all of us, every individual, community, and enterprise.
The true cost of a hectare of forest is more than merely the revenue earned from sale of wood. The true cost of water sold in packaged water bottles is greater than the energy cost of extracting the groundwater. The choice between economic and environmental development is a illusory choice, supported by incomplete accounting of embedded economic value of natural capital and omitting the resulting erosion of economic value from their loss. Accounting for all significant life-cycle costs (conventional as well as ecological) is a vital decision support parameter for making sustainable growth decisions.
Often low-carbon alternatives to conventional practices seem indistinguishable amongst each other and conventional costs are the only differentiator. We delve into those solutions amongst the spectrum that promote sustainable growth aligned with holistic human development indices such as Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI). Those interventions that espouse grassroots involvement of recipient communities and precipitate impacts leading to equitable sharing of environmental, social and economic benefits amongst all the stakeholders win our precious vote when offering professional advise.
When working with organizations we seek to leave behind a culture where Life Cycle Thinking becomes an inherent decision making tool for charting the evolution of products/services produced by enterprises. We develop and enable institutionalization of sustainability strategies to make them future ready when Climate Change response can no longer be delayed.